The 5 C’s of exceptional management
I often like to say there’s no cookie-cutter mold for successful management. Great managers come in all shapes and sizes.
I often like to say there’s no cookie-cutter mold for successful management. Great managers come in all shapes and sizes.
In honor of my favorite time of year, the Stanley Cup Playoffs, I thought it’d be fun to do an analysis of the Boston Bruins’ first line/starting defense and goalie…not to mention, The Predictive Index has been based in the Boston area for the past 50 year so we are a bit excited for our…
Recently, I had a client come to me very upset. She had begun working with two people who both had a Predictive Index behavioral pattern almost identical to hers and she said, “Melanie, please tell me I don’t come across like those two!” Unfortunately, what I couldn’t tell her was that the descriptions she gave me…
I knew about “management by objectives.” Then I learned about “management by biscuits.” You can learn about management in the unlikeliest places. In this case, it was from Hamish, my out-of-control West Highland Terrier.
Understanding the influencing factors and types of employee behavior is critical to your success. Here’s the four key factors you need to know.
This blog post is the third in a four-part series covering the four behavioral drives that The Predictive Index measures in its PI Behavioral Assessment.
We hear a lot in the business world about over-management, specifically the well-documented and demoralizing tendency toward micromanagement. In fact, a 2014 accounttemps survey found that 68% of people who felt micromanaged found it demoralizing. But we hear relatively little about under-management. Yet this quality—this tendency to (often subtly) avoid one’s managerial responsibilities definitely plays…
Frustrating employees got you down? Here are 5 ways to combat this management nightmare. In one key area, senior management differs not at all from the role of the supervisor on the shop floor. Regardless of your level in an organization, you will over the course of your management career have difficult people to deal…
Handling conflict and being ready to face it is a key component of being a leader
8 tips for creating better performing organizations in business and sports
Employers are only basing promotions on past performance, forgetting to consider the employee’s natural talent.
Hot topics from the week of 2/6/2017: What you missed and what you need to know
Taking a look at behavioral data may be the key to creating the most successful feedback system for your organization
By Elsbeth McSorley Whether you’re a gen-xer or a millennial, here’s how to make your diverse workplace harmonious across all generations
These tips will create interactivity in your organization without workplace cliques. Walking into the office, you feel a certain vibe in the air. Employees are hustling around the room as they are completing projects and nailing deadlines. As a business leader, you want to believe that you have nailed the workplace culture environment. Employee morale…