Hot topics from the week of 2/6/2017: What you missed and what you need to know
Happy Friday! This weekly roundup takes a look at what’s trending and what was hot this week in the Human Capital Management world, IO-Psychology domain, HR realm, and what’s top-of-mind for business leaders.
Check out the story links for more on each hot topic and don’t forget to comment below to share what topics or trends you’ve deemed buzzworthy for the week!
Cultural Awareness is Needed in the U.S. as well as Overseas
U.S. companies often take steps to become aware of cultural differences in the countries into which they are expanding. But cross-cultural awareness is valuable even in the U.S. when dealing with business leaders who have immigrated here. It’s difficult to work across cultures. Knowing the key areas of difference and diagnosing where you and your colleagues are on those continuums is crucial.

The Learning Disconnect: Only 8% of CEOs See L&D Business Impact
Corporate learning and design pros are struggling to demonstrate ROI to leadership. LinkedIn’s first annual Workplace Learning Report, published this week, found that Chief Learning Officers face increased pressure to deliver learning that engages employees and positively impacts the bottom line. Companies are looking for proof that their investment is paying off in terms of increased workforce performance.
If You Want to Motivate Employees, Stop Trusting Your Instincts
A global survey of more than 50 Fortune 1000 companies and 1.2 million employees showed that in a whopping 85% of organizations, employee motivation declines sharply after people have spent six months with their managers. In other words, most employees are enthusiastic and engaged when they start their new jobs, but it takes only a few months for managers to destroy their morale. This is consistent with studies indicating that managers play a critical role in determining employee engagement, and disengagement.

Searching for the Perfect Employee Engagement Tool? Seven Things to Consider
Engaged employees are the cornerstone of every successful company. But what exactly goes into selecting a survey tool? How do you know it’s really aligned with what your organization is looking for? Seven successful human resource executives from Forbes Human Resources Council share their top tips for selecting an employee engagement tool that’s suited for your own business.
How to Avoid Letting Politics Divide your Workplace (and Decrease Productivity)
It is no surprise that there is tension in the air when it comes to the U.S.’s current political situation. Regardless of your political affiliation, underestimating the impact of political unrest would be a poor decision. Leaders need to pay attention to the ways in which the full spectrum of reactions are impacting their peers. Without paying attention to people’s reactions to current events, leaders will become blindsided by sudden sick days and decreased productivity.

LEGO is the Key to Productive Business Meetings — According to a ‘Serious Play Expert’
Michael Fearne is a LEGO serious play expert. Fearne has spent 10 years running and facilitating workshops where people use LEGO to open conversations, work through problems, and come up with new ideas. He says that in a workplace with a mix of introverts, extroverts, visual, and kinesthetic people, listeners, talkers and more, traditional meetings don’t always enable everyone to be heard.