A proven track record of boosting people productivity.
Our assessments have been validated through rigorous scientific testing and research over decades. They’re tried and true: We’ve assessed more than 25 million people around the world and major companies worldwide trust us to help them make better people decisions.

Scientifically validated.
- More than 400 job performance studies conducted over the past 30 years
- More than 25,000 employees in 120 different job roles sampled against nearly 5,000 measures of job performance
- 94% of studies resulted in significant relationships between PI measures and job performance
About our assessments
Psychometrically sound.
Psychometrics is the science of measuring mental capacities and processes. It applies and investigates theories of personality and cognitive ability to build tools that measure people’s underlying traits and abilities.
The PI Behavioral Assessment, the PI Cognitive Assessment, the PI Strategy Assessment, and the PI Employee Experience Survey are psychometrically rigorously developed tools.
Our psychometricians routinely refine and test our tools to ensure they’re valid and reliable for everyday use in the workplace.

Valid & Reliable
At PI, we treat validation as an ongoing process, and our psychometricians see it as their responsibility to continually add to PI’s portfolio of validation research. Over PI’s history, our researchers have conducted hundreds of criterion validity studies for clients, spanning many different industries, regions, and job roles.
Validation begins in development with careful content validation, field testing, form construction, and construct validation. Our researchers validate new use cases for assessments, monitor the instruments’ performance, and practice continuous improvements to ensure that the assessments continue to yield valuable, interpretable, actionable insights for clients.
Our psychometricians also conduct reliability studies to report the accuracy of scores (internal consistency), stability over time (test-retest reliability), and reliability of the psychological constructs that are measured. These studies help to quantify measurement error of the assessment to ensure scores will support their intended use cases. Reliability studies also help provide guidance to our clients on how to effectively use the results of PI assessments.
Fairness has emerged as its own domain of psychometric practice, and an assessment’s validity also depends on the instrument being fair and unbiased for its intended populations. Fairness encompasses many facets of the assessment system.
Fairness may refer to lack of score bias, which PI documents in differential item functioning (DIF) studies. It can also refer to the access, administration, interpretation, and impact of the assessment. Our psychometricians provide guidance to clients on how to use PI assessments in a way that’s fair to respondents. They also work closely with PI’s product developers and consultants to make fairness a consideration in every part of a client’s PI experience.
Learn more about how to use PI assessments in your organization.
See how PI’s Talent Optimization Platform can help your company hire with certainty, inspire your teams, and sustain lasting employee engagement.