In today’s business world, organizations need to constantly adapt. Need fresh perspective to drive that change? Each month, hear from a mixed panel of business and talent experts as we discuss the shared challenges organizations face—and the keys to long-term success.

Perspectives: A Webinar Series for Business and HR Leaders

Most recent:

Perspectives: Will they stay or will they go?

Perspectives: Will they stay or will they go?

How to boost retention in 2025. Each new year poses an age-old threat: employee turnover. End-of-year bonus payouts, an improving job market and historically low engagement levels could loosen things up—fast. Whenever a high performer leaves, everything gets harder. So what should HR leaders do to be proactive and keep top talent firmly in place?…

Previous Episodes

Perspectives: Will they stay or will they go?
Perspectives: Will they stay or will they go?

How to boost retention in 2025. Each new year poses an age-old threat: employee turnover. End-of-year bonus payouts, an improving job market and historically low engagement levels could loosen things up—fast. Whenever a high performer leaves, everything gets harder. So what should HR leaders do to be proactive and keep top talent firmly in place?…

Perspectives: Finding new energy in the new year
Perspectives: Finding new energy in the new year

Four steps to power up your people in 2025 While we’re all looking forward to a well-deserved holiday break, we know we’ll need to start the New Year strong soon after. We’ve got big goals waiting for us! Unfortunately, it seems more difficult than ever to get back in the groove after taking a step…

Perspectives: Here come the holidaze
Perspectives: Here come the holidaze

How HR teams can balance holiday cheer and workplace stressors. Starting mid-November in the U.S., our minds naturally shift towards our favorite recipes, buying flights home, family reunions, and kids’ vacation from school… all while the work continues to pile up. Holidays sound delightful, they’re not always joyous for every worker. So how can HR…

Perspectives: Stick Together
Perspectives: Stick together

Maintaining employee relations in an age of disconnect Findings from the newly released 2024 State of Talent Optimization Report reveal that HR is the center of the (business) universe. Nestled between executives, managers, employees, and candidates, HR professionals must address the diverse needs of this broad array of stakeholders. In this webinar, we will explore…

Perspectives: Recess is over
Perspectives: Recess is Over

Why learning at every level is good for business The mornings get a little cooler, the humidity lifts, and the leaves start to hint at changing colors. Back to School is just around the corner, and that means the start to a new school year is about to begin. But what about employee learning? Many…

Perspectives: Show them the way
Perspectives: Show them the way

How creative career paths attract, develop, and retain top talent The work we do continues to change rapidly, and our workforce is constantly evolving as well. Early career professionals and experienced workers alike are looking for opportunities to advance and to develop skills that will help them remain relevant and grow. HR leaders play a…

Perspectives: Breaking Free
Perspectives: Breaking Free

How workplace rebels are challenging business as usual. Our workplaces have been transformed by remote work, post-pandemic shockwaves, economic contraction, and the arrival of Gen Z. So why are so many of us stuck in the “business as usual” rut? Thankfully, a new wave of workplace rebels are shaking things up. They’re teaching us how…

Perspectives: New Tools of the Management Trade
Perspectives: New Tools of the Management Trade

How HR teams are equipping people leaders to succeed in the new world of work In just five years, so many things about our work has changed. Unfortunately, the way managers approach their role isn’t one of them. A failure to adopt new management practices is dragging down the bottom line, frustrating workers, and putting…

Perspectives: One for the ages
Perspectives: One for the ages

How to bridge the generational divide in your workplace We currently have 5 generations working together—sounds challenging, because it is!  The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z bring different mindsets and expectations to the office. Each generation also easily throws a label or stereotype to those outside of their own cohort…

Perspectives: Smile, You’re On Camera
Perspectives: Smile, You’re On Camera

HR in an age of hyper-transparency Employers have never been more under the microscope than they are right now. With social media videos going viral of recorded layoffs, challenging conversations, and, in some cases, mistreatment, leaders may feel like they’re constantly being watched. As Gen Z enters the workforce, they’re demanding transparency and accountability. They…

Perspectives: Stop Managing, Start Leading
Perspectives: Stop Managing, Start Leading

The missing transformation that’s holding organizations back In a rapidly shifting world of work, one thing isn’t changing fast enough. Too many managers have yet to grow into fully fledged leaders. Some are individual contributors who can’t let go of the doing. Others lack confidence and a proven method to get the best out of…

Perspectives: What’s Love Got To Do With Work?
Perspectives: What’s Love Got To Do With Work

Why getting comfortable with the “L word” is the key to business success. Turns out the late, great Tina Turner was onto something. Love makes the world go ‘round, and now it’s steadily making its way into our world of work.  We shouldn’t be so surprised. Love, even in the workplace, is the driver of…

Perspectives: “Are You Even Listening?”
Perspectives: “Are You Even Listening?”

The Critical Role of Employee Voice in Organizational Performance Well, are you? A blog shared by Gallup says, “one of the fastest ways to destroy workplace morale is to ask employees their opinions about it, then ignore their answers.” Read that again. Far too many organizations ask their employees for feedback, giving the organization a…

Perspectives: Fit For The Future
Perspectives: Fit for the Future

How to Optimize Performance, Engagement, and Well-Being in 2024. As we shift into a new year, the obstacles (and wins!) organizations face aren’t that different to years prior. So what makes this change in year different? You’re different. You’re more experienced, you’re working smarter, and your goals are continually shifting. Plus, the market and economy are…

 Perspectives: Building Bridges
Perspectives: Building Bridges

How to Optimize the Relationship Between HR and the Business The conflict between talent and business needs… It’s a tale as old as time. Both sides are integral to the success of your organization. When your talent and business strategies are aligned, success prevails. When the two are misaligned, success is likely out of reach. …

Perspectives: The Hard Truth About Soft Skills
Perspectives: The Hard Truth About Soft Skills

How winning hearts and minds is key to unlocking the workforce You’ve read The Predictive Index’s new report all about why middle managers are not ok.  (You haven’t? Go read it! Then come back here. We’re diving deep…) Turns out there’s more to the story. In their understandable pursuit of hard-and-fast business results, people-centric skills…

Perspectives: Stuck in the Middle
Perspectives: Stuck in the Middle

Why your managers are struggling and what you can do to help them break free. Your middle managers are struggling. How do we know this? The Predictive Index is releasing their latest workforce report in September with data from the middle manager as well as the leader. In partnership with HR Dive, PI surveyed 340+…

Perspectives: Tools of the Talent Trade
Perspectives: Tools of the Talent Trade

How to select, buy, and adopt transformative HR Tech In today’s business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to lean into their people strategies and drive transformative change.  Enter HR technology—a catalyst that can revolutionize your organization’s best practices and unlock your potential.  But with a myriad of options available, selecting, buying, and adopting the…

Perspectives: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Perspectives: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Why People Factors are Threatening Your Most Critical Projects (And What to Do About It!) Project work: a unifying front all of us business folk experience. Whether you’re leading the charge, following along, or somewhere in the middle (yikes), working together as a collective unit has its ups and downs. So how do we ensure…

Perspectives: Navigating Countercultures
Perspectives: Navigating Countercultures

From Rage Applying to Soft Living to Corporate Villains In recent years, we’ve seen a growing shift among employees, with tensions and divisions emerging that threaten productivity, harmony, and ultimately, the success of organizations. One key factor contributing to this backlash is generational divides in the workplace. With Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers, Millennials, and now…

Perspectives: Mind Your Business
Perspectives: Mind Your Business

How Mental Health Awareness Boosts Employee Wellness and Your Bottom Line May is Mental Health Awareness Month, yet so many organizations let employee wellness fall by the wayside. In fact, according to a joint survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the SHRM Foundation, and global healthcare company Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, only…

Perspectives: From Undependable to Undeniable
Perspectives: From Undependable to Undeniable

Unpack what 150+ execs are feeling in our current talent environment with insights from The 2023 State of Talent Optimization Report According to The 2023 State of Talent Optimization Report from The Predictive Index, over half (57%) of HR executives surveyed say their companies could’ve used support with talent acquisition and retention over the past…

Perspectives: The BIG Bang
Perspectives: The BIG Bang

How to navigate disruptive changes in your organization and your work life. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” Fair enough, but we’ve already had a few years of choppy waters, thank you. Just when you think you’ve reached your limit … a BIG change comes along and threatens…

Perspectives: Raising The Bar
Perspectives: Raising the Bar

How to Develop Leaders at Every Level Developing leaders at every level is important for every organization. It helps with succession planning, building a strong leadership team, promoting creativity and innovation, increasing employee engagement and retention, diversifying leadership teams, and adapting to change. And, that list can go on… Do you have the tools or…

Perspectives: New Year, New Hill To Climb
Perspectives: New Year, New Hill To Climb

$ales Challenges and Opportunities in 2023 Your sales team isn’t the same team it was a year ago, and certainly not the team it was in January 2020. Today’s sellers live in a highly competitive market. Fluctuating economic conditions have made it especially tough to attract buyers—and that’s making it even harder to motivate sales…

Perspectives: People-First Predictions for 2023
Perspectives: People-First Predictions for 2023

How To Navigate (Another) Year of Uncertainty As we move into 2023, society continues to experience new norms. From the pandemic to the economy, labor shortages to layoffs, there’s a lot to contend with. How does all of this affect the world of business? More importantly, how does it affect your talent?  Leaders of all…

Perspectives: Leading at Light Speed
Perspectives: Leading at Light Speed

How to Survive the New Pace of Business Change is part of organizational growth, but that doesn’t mean that it comes easily. This outlines steps that are fundamental to preparing for, executing and sustaining a successful organizational change initiative including a change in leadership, culture, company direction or structure. While it’s not uncommon for conflicts…

Perspectives: The View from the Corner Office
Perspectives: The View from the Corner Office

People Priorities from the 2022 CEO Benchmarking Report The Predictive Index surveyed 200+ executives on their hiring and retention strategies, their most pressing business concerns, and their top priorities during an uneven economic climate. Join us Wednesday, October 12, for a panel discussion featuring business leaders uniquely positioned to offer analysis of the report findings…

Perspectives - Breaking Through Bias
Perspectives: Breaking Through Bias

A consultant’s guide to challenging client misperceptions Your clients come to you seeking knowledge, guidance, and expertise. So, it can be discouraging when a client, or anyone else, actively downplays or disregards that expertise based on age, gender, race, or other traits. As an external consultant, you should expect some skepticism—but bias deserves no place….

How to Wow (and Win!) New Clients with Talent Optimization
Perspectives: How to Wow (and Win!) New Clients with Talent Optimization

Before you can serve your clients, you have to win their business. Our expert panelists share their tips and experiences around how to position yourself as a trusted business advisor. Watch this webinar to learn how to create a high-impact proposal driven by talent optimization principles, and overcome obstacles that otherwise threaten your well-crafted pitch….

Perspectives - Optimal Mindset
Perspectives: Optimal Mindset

How High-Performing Consultants Win the Inner Game Realizing your full potential takes more than hustle and grit. You need to develop the right frame of mind and overcome the challenges that consulting life throws at you. Watch this panel discussion on the importance of personal growth, learning, self-confidence, and resilience—all of which are essential to…

Perspectives - Charge What You're Worth
Perspectives: Charge What You’re Worth

How to pitch your premium services to clients As a consultant, you strive to build great relationships and provide world-class value. Unfortunately, this mindset often comes at a cost. If you always put clients and prospects first, you risk selling yourself short—mentally and financially. Consulting isn’t a zero-sum game. Supporting your clients doesn’t have to…

Perspectives - Help Clients Succeed in 2022
Perspectives: Help Clients Succeed in 2022

A Consultant’s Guide to Talent Optimization 2022 has only just begun, and we’re already at an impasse. As organizations look to navigate a still-evolving pandemic, their people have seen enough turbulence. They’re walking away from their jobs en masse, and searching for what truly drives them. As a consultant, you stand at the crossroads between…

Perspectives Bold Predictions for 2022
Perspectives: Fire Up the Flux Capacitor! Bold Predictions for 2022

Fire Up the Flux Capacitor! Traveling to the future? Impossible. Predicting it with data? That we can do. Join the Perspectives Team for a year in review. What went well for businesses in 2021? What trends came out of left field? Perhaps most importantly – what will consulting look like in 2022 and beyond? Come…

Perspectives - Show Me the Money
Perspectives: Show Me the Money

A Consultant’s Guide to Pricing Professional Services In a year dominated by changed workplaces and shifting strategies, client needs are constantly evolving. As a consultant, it can be challenging enough to provide the right services—let alone price them accurately.  How do you charge clients fairly? How do you demonstrate your expertise and get compensated for…

Perspectives - The first 90 days with your new client 2021
Perspectives: The first 90 days with your new client

You’ve secured a new client for your consulting business – fantastic! Now what?! Your excitement about the new relationship is tempered by a hard reality: The next 90 days will dictate the trajectory—and longevity—of this partnership. You want to make a good impression without being pushy. You’ll need to be prescriptive, yet receptive. You hope…

Perspectives-Scaling Your Consultancy
Perspectives: Scaling Your Consultancy

No matter the industry, experience or ambitions of your consultancy, scaling ain’t easy. Your growth goals may vary, but certain challenges remain: What are your priorities? Who or what is dictating them? How do you find the balance between automating certain processes and still providing a human touch?  In this webinar, we’ll cover how to…

Building Your Consultant Brand
Perspectives: Building your consultant brand

After a tough year for consultants, experts expect the management consulting market in the US to grow by 8.5% in 2021. The opportunity is there, but you need to stand out to seize it. Are you differentiating yourself and your services from all the other consultants out there?  Join Erin Balsa, Director of Marketing at…

Perspective- Why execs hire consultants
Perspectives: Why Executives Hire Consultants

Consultants have a massive opportunity to assist with talent strategy in post-COVID, hybrid workplace. But executive teams need proof of expertise—expertise with the latest tools, techniques and trends. Learn how specializing in certain skills, knowledge, or bandwidth can help take your consultancy to the next level, and realize ROI. Armed with the right understanding of…