Good employees leave bad managers with these 4 traits.
If you don’t yet have access to an employee experience survey, read on to discover four reasons why good employees leave bad managers.
If you don’t yet have access to an employee experience survey, read on to discover four reasons why good employees leave bad managers.
Feedback is a little like management oxygen – we tend not to think much about it and take it for granted but when it’s absent we quickly encounter problems. We know feedback is an important element of management, and I’ve written about it on occasion, but I can’t say I’d seen a lot of insightful…
It’s your job as a manager to make sure your employees are engaged. But what happens if you, the manager, is the sole reason your employees are disengaged? Can someone actually reach their top performance if their manager is constantly weighing them down? I know someone who recently left their job solely because of their…
When I began contemplating workplace confidence, I started to think about the confident people I work with and how they deal with both mundane and tough decisions. What was the fundamental trait they all exhibited on a daily basis, especially in times of stress and pressure? Ownership. Confident leaders and employees habitually own everything they…
As a bit of a business geek, I read a lot of books about management, business trends, and company culture. And there’s a term that I’ve noticed slip into our people management vernacular over the past 3-4 years: “Bringing your whole self to work.” It’s kind of catchy.
I knew about “management by objectives.” Then I learned about “management by biscuits.” You can learn about management in the unlikeliest places. In this case, it was from Hamish, my out-of-control West Highland Terrier.
We hear a lot in the business world about over-management, specifically the well-documented and demoralizing tendency toward micromanagement. In fact, a 2014 accounttemps survey found that 68% of people who felt micromanaged found it demoralizing. But we hear relatively little about under-management. Yet this quality—this tendency to (often subtly) avoid one’s managerial responsibilities definitely plays…
Have you ever had the feeling one of your colleagues just didn’t like you? You might have thought, “That person just doesn’t understand me. If they truly took the time to get to know me, I think they would like me.”
You can successfully improve engagement when you address disengagement at the individual level. Companies spend too little time really understanding what makes their people unique and how this impacts their everyday work experience. In fact, many employees are faced with strong pressures to change who they are in order to meet the expectations of their job,…
These tips will create interactivity in your organization without workplace cliques. Walking into the office, you feel a certain vibe in the air. Employees are hustling around the room as they are completing projects and nailing deadlines. As a business leader, you want to believe that you have nailed the workplace culture environment. Employee morale…
These tips will make you rethink how you go about employee evaluations.
Look to these eight tips for building the perfect teammates within your organization.