“Bringing your whole self to work”: What the hell does that mean?
As a bit of a business geek, I read a lot of books about management, business trends, and company culture. And there’s a term that I’ve noticed slip into our people management vernacular over the past 3-4 years: “Bringing your whole self to work.” It’s kind of catchy.
Self vs. self-concept and its effect on workplace behavior
In The Predictive Index™ Behavioral Assessment, we look at people’s “self” as well as their “self-concept” when it comes to workplace behavior. I sat down with Dr. Matt Poepsel, PI’s VP of Product, to help unpack these terms.
PI acquires Certified Partner, P.I. Associates
WESTWOOD, Mass., August 17th, 2017 /PRNewswire The Predictive Index, LLC, an award-winning workforce assessment platform, today announced that it has acquired P.I. Associates, a management consulting firm and value-added PI reseller headquartered in Boynton Beach, Florida.
Mike Zani interviewed by The Naked Sales Guy podcast
Matt McClain and Megan Waddell, hosts of the Nake Sales Guy podcast, recently invited PI’s CEO, Mike Zani, to be on the show with them. The episode featured Mike giving Matt and Megan their behavioral assessment readbacks, as well as an engaging discussion about the behavioral traits required to achieve greatness in sales.
5 PI patterns that have potential to be sales rock stars
Before building an all-star sales team, these PI behavioral patterns will identify who your top-performing salespeople are. While nothing trumps a Job Assessment, or setting a Job Target, to determine the perfect fit for your sales organization, I am often asked by prospective and current clients which patterns we typically see in different sales positions. One…
Four ways to introduce The Predictive Index to your people
How you introduce an assessment into your organization can determine its success or failure Sometimes, it is not what you say, it’s how you say it that can make all the difference. Companies nowadays are growing so quickly that they forget this important message and divert to not saying anything at all! Communication is critical,…
Five reasons your email makes me cringe
The all-too-common email habits that make your coworkers want to poke their eyes out
When a valuable employee leaves, how do you fill the void?
After an all-star employee suddenly left the Florida State Fair Authority, the organization looked to The Predictive Index to pick up the pieces.
The Predictive Index develops continual improvements to its employee review process
The 4 steps PI is using to implement 360 reviews within the organization
5 steps to marketing your business from the inside out
When employees identify with a leader’s “why,” they become ambassadors for your cause.
How to find top talent using The Predictive Index
Companies using the PI Job Assessment craft job posts that speak to drives, needs, and behaviors unique to the position
How leaders can align workplace culture
As a leader, it’s your responsibility to cultivate and foster a strong workplace culture
How to identify a prospect’s social style
Understanding a prospect’s specific social style allows sales reps to better communicate.