Intro to PI Diagnose
Onboarding Essentials
The PI Software and Science
Understanding behaviors with PI
Keys to PI Implementation Success
Intro to PI Diagnose
Intro to PI Design
Intro to PI Hire
Intro to PI Inspire
The Story of PI
The PI Employee Experience Survey™

The PI Employee Experience Survey gives you engagement data plus a personalized action plan. It provides employees a chance to provide candid, confidential feedback across four categories: Job, Manager, People, and
When the survey closes, you’ll get reports that explain why employees feel disengaged—and what you’re doing well—so you can take action. Follow the custom action plan, attend the Take Action on Engagement workshop, or work with an Employee Experience Coach.
A mismatch between an employee and their job, organization, manager, or team will lead to disengagement. A match between an employee and their job, organization, manager, or team will lead to engagement.
Curious about how other companies successfully implemented PI?
FAM Brands stopped turnover in its tracks by identifying the root causes of disengagement and focusing on talent strategy.
Contact your PI Consultant to learn more about how you can bring Diagnose to your organization.