
Keys to PI Implementation Success

Align on priorities + define success

Try out the PI Strategy Assessment

Check out the interactive below to get an idea of how you can assess strategy at your organization. 

Consider working with your PI Consultant to leverage the Strategy Assessment within PI’s Design solution.

The most successful PI implementations start with C-Suite and Executive alignment.

A few key factors to consider when gaining agreement:

  • What key stakeholders are critical for early buy-in? Who is our executive sponsor? (C-Suite)
  • What barriers may exist to prioritizing PI’s implementation this quarter?
  • What are our urgent business priorities & where should be focus our PI efforts first (hiring, team dynamics, manager/leadership development, etc.) 
  • What are our longer-term business goals and how do we map our people strategy to them?

Define success by identifying key metrics or indicators to allow your team to monitor progress & show results. In 1 year, what do you want to accomplish? Where will you move the needle? 

From there, align on quick wins & work with your PI Consultant to build into early plans.

Curious about how other companies successfully implemented PI? Click the example below.

Advocator Group Case Study | The Predictive Index

The Advocator Group’s leaders had seen what PI could do for recruiting and hiring, so when it came to developing a new business strategy, they enlisted PI to pinpoint risks and put them on the fast track to success.

The PI Strategy assessment is part of the PI solution Design.

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