Leading through self-awareness

Communicating with the team in mind

We’ve talked about how awareness impacts your actions. What about your expression? Whether you’re in a 1:1 or team meeting, how you communicate impacts the effectiveness of the message. And this isn’t just about verbal communication. Non-verbal cues are important as well. Ask the following questions on the right to see how self-aware you really are.

Non-verbal cues

Am I aware of the non-verbal cues (e.g. body language) I give to the people I work with?


Am I aware of my tone of voice when I’m speaking to others in the workplace?

Other opinions

Do I defer judgment and allow others to finish their thoughts before responding?


Do I practice active listening when interacting with others?

Your communication style might not always fit your employees needs. Rather than pushing them to adapt to your personal communication style, see how you can be more accommodating.

For example, if you’re a detail-oriented person, you might type up a step-by-step email. This approach may work great for detail-oriented individuals but be overwhelming to others. For those who require less detail, a simple solution may be to include a “tl;dr” (too long, didn’t read) section at the top of the email.

PI Team Discovery allows you to see your team as a whole as well as an individual team member’s behavioral styles. This allows you to adjust your style to meet the needs of the team. Hover over a quadrant below to see communication tips for different team styles.

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