
How to build a successful employee onboarding program

What is onboarding and why is it important?

When an organization hires a new employee, it’s rare that the employee immediately starts working. Instead, the employee needs to learn some basics first, like what their role is and how it helps the broader organization. The process of teaching an employee these basics is called onboarding.

Onboarding is often defined as the first week or two in an employee’s life cycle, when they’re bombarded with training courses and seminars. In actuality, though, onboarding lasts months: It takes time to adjust to an organization’s culture and values.

The benefits of great onboarding are intuitive: Well-trained employees are usually effective and committed, while poorly-trained employees often struggle.

The data supports this intuition. Organizations with standardized onboarding processes have 62% greater new hire productivity and 50% greater new hire retention—a huge win at a small cost.

In other words, if you want a great company, you need a great onboarding process. In the next lessons, we’ll cover some tips on how to accomplish that.

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