Expanding your skills and inspiring your team with PI

As a manager, part of your success is determined by how well you understand what drives the behaviors of your direct reports. In doing so, you can leverage your own personal strengths to successfully manage your team to achieve results for you, them, and your organization.

Recommended actions:

  1. Download the Management Strategy Guide and & Relationship Guide for your next 1:1. Add the documents to the recurring invite with your direct report so they’re always easily accessible when you need them. Revisit this every 90 days to continuously work on relationships with direct reports.
  2. Bring your direct report’s Manager Development Chart or Personal Development Chart to development conversations to guide them on areas of opportunity and tips.
  3. If your employees are interested in another role or a more senior position, align them to the job target. Then, review the coaching guide with them.

Recommended action: Make sure the job you’re interviewing for has a job target. Creating job targets will unlock interview guides, which will highlight where each specific candidate is aligned or misaligned with the role they’re interviewing for and provide you with questions you can ask to get the answers you need to determine if they’d do well in the role.

Every employee you manage has a distinct personality, with some combination of all four behavioral drives that determine how they prefer to work and be managed. It’s important to understand these things so you can tailor the way you communicate, coach, and reward them. These resources will help you support and motivate each individual on your team.

Recommended action: Download the 1:1 meeting template and your Manager Development Chart and review it with your direct report. This is a great way to discuss things they’d like you to start, stop, or continue and will help them understand that you’re open to feedback. It also highlights your natural strengths and caution areas as a leader and provides ways to implement action items. Revisit this every 90 days to continuously work on relationships with direct reports.

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Reach out to your internal PI administrator or PI Consultant for further guidance.

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