
Ultimate management toolkit

We’ve compiled 10 of our top resources on management to help you grow your leadership skills and inspire, engage, and motivate employees to peak performance.

Managers have an outsized impact on their employees’ work experiences. The 2018 People Management Study found 94% of employees with great bosses have passion and energy for their jobs—but only 59% of employees with bad bosses can say the same.

The good news: Being a great boss is a learned skill. 

What’s inside?


Use these templates to take your people management skills to improve your 1:1s and help your employees develop.


Learn what sets world-class managers from the rest.


As a manager, you’re responsible for more than supervising your people. Your role includes managing employees to perform, balancing team dynamics, and handling difficult situations. These e-books will help you learn to manage your team like a boss.


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