Crisis survival toolkit

Leading through uncertain times requires agility, empathy, and transparent communication. These resources will help you adapt to changing circumstances.
Talent Optimization in a Downturn

What’s inside?


Explore our guide to Surviving an Economic Downturn with Talent Optimization

As a business leader, we know you care deeply about building a lasting company. With COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn, major uncertainty lurks in the dark clouds rolling in overhead.


Motivating remote employees based on personality type

Leverage your remote workers’ behavioral strengths while limiting where they’re stretched.

Spartan Customer Story

Spartan Race’s smart response to COVID-19

See how Spartan Race used PI and talent optimization to be resilient in this crisis.

Thank you, essential workers

There are no words that can truly encapsulate the gratefulness we all feel towards our essential workers. They’re the ones getting us through this crisis.


PI workshops go online to support remote learning

In light of social distancing mandates, we’ve brought two of our most popular in-person workshops online.


The Resilience Series

Introducing The Resilience Series, a set of completely virtual workshops designed to help you align and drive your business in times of crisis and change. The series’ two offerings focus on operational realignment and team cohesion to support leadership through an age of uncertainty and change.

Episode 8: Jan Bruce | meQuilibrium

“Resilient behavior is really about managing through these situations and not letting them manage you.”

Jan Bruce, CEO of meQuilibrium.

Built on science and the philosophy of adaptation and resilience, meQuilibrium has been transforming companies and employees alike. It has helped others achieve results through self-improvement and healthy workplaces.

Measuring engagement is essential right now.

During times of uncertainty, it’s essential to focus on what is certain. Administering an engagement survey is a great way to get the clarity and data needed to help you navigate the uncertainty and make the right decisions for your business. 

Why and how to measure disengagement right now

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