Inspire upgrade support guide

New features in PI2

We’ve given Inspire data a modern update

When you load Inspire, you’ll see an entirely redesigned experience. View your behavioral pattern, or search for an employee’s pattern, right from the home screen.

Select a person’s name, and you’ll land on their “person” page. From here, you’ll find Inspire data organized by three distinct pages:

Introducing new “interaction” tips

Head to the Development tab of a co-worker’s page in Inspire, and you’ll see new management tips to help you interact with them. 

Learn how to support and encourage this person—and, likewise, what not to do or say—based on their behavioral data. Whether you’re a people manager or a project lead, we hope these interaction tips help you bring out the best in your team members.

Improved functionality

Invite and assess co-workers with a few clicks

We’ve streamlined how you collaborate within Inspire. Invite co-workers from the home screen or “Manage Employees” tab, and they’ll automatically be sent the Behavioral Assessment. You can also use the Manage Employees tab to send invitations in bulk.

By minimizing the steps needed to get peers into the software, we hope you’ll be able to share PI insights faster and more broadly.

Access Relationship Guides with ease

Relationship Guides are foundational to Inspire. To make them easier to access, we’ve included a “Relationship Guide” search function right on the homepage. Enter two names, click view, and you’ll immediately see their relationship details—including pattern overlay, strengths, and cautions.

We’ve also added to the Relationship Guide. Now, you’ll see a section with practical steps to build a healthy relationship. Whether you’re looking to build, maintain, or repair a relationship, we hope you’ll find value in this additional guidance.

This video demonstrates how easy it is to use the Relationship Guide in PI2.

Self-Concept has a new look (and improved guidance)

The Self-Concept helps articulate how a person perceives the behavioral demands of their role. It’s a powerful tool, yet one that proved confusing to understand, let alone act on.

For PI2, we’re bolstering our guidance around the Self-Concept. Each person now has a dedicated Self-Concept page, complete with instructions on how to interpret and discuss the Self-Concept as part of their own development.

The Coaching Guide is back with a visual refresh

In the legacy experience, our Coaching Guide lets you compare a person’s Behavioral Pattern with the Job Target for a current or future role. It also provided specific coaching prompts for each of the ABCD factors, so you could help that person bridge any behavioral gaps. 

In PI2, the Coaching Guide offers the same features and functionality you’re used to, with a fresh look and feel.

Note: The Coaching Guide is only available for PI accounts subscribed to both Hire and Inspire.

Introducing revamped PI placards!

Placards are among the most popular PI items our clients use. To ensure you continue to love yours, we’ve given them a visual refresh.

Download your PI placard right from your “About” page, and show off your Behavioral Pattern with pride!


Notable changes

Permissions work differently

In the legacy experience, access to behavioral data in Inspire depended on folder access. This meant that admins could fine-tune permissions for certain individuals or teams by granting (or denying) them access to specific folders. 

While this system worked well in certain scenarios, it also led to its fair share of complexity and confusion. To reduce admin burden and promote ease of use, we’ve retooled how permissions work in Inspire for PI2. Now, all Inspire employees have access to all data. You can still create folders and manage folder permissions, but those permissions will only apply to job access within PI Hire.

Note: Later this year, we’ll be adding the ability to organize employees using folders. This update will not impact permissions.

We’ve sunsetted the Synthesis

As part of the Self-Concept update, we made the decision to retire the “Synthesis.” In the legacy experience, the Synthesis represented the average of the Self and Self-Concept, but offered little interpretive meaning on its own. 

By retiring the Synthesis, we’ll be able to deliver better functionality for the Self and Self-Concept—all while improving the user experience.


Can I limit who has access to employee insights in Inspire?

Currently, Inspire does not restrict who has access to what behavioral data. In the past, clients could limit access to a specific employee’s data by putting that data in a restricted folder. However, this created data management issues—particularly for organizations with hundreds (or thousands) of employees.

With PI2, we wanted to reduce admin headaches and make it easier for individual contributors to access tools like Relationship Guides. To accomplish this, we felt unlocking BA permissions was the right call.

If you have feedback about the change, please let us know using our Product Feedback tracker.

Can I access someone’s insights without inviting them to Inspire?

Yes. When upgrading from the legacy experience to PI2, you will retain any existing employee information—including behavioral insights—even if that person is not an Inspire user. You can access these insights by viewing your employee list on the “Manage Employees” tab or searching for a specific co-worker.

Organization admins can also assess employees without inviting them to Inspire by uploading an updated organization file.

Is M Score available in Inspire?

The M Score represents the number of adjectives a person selects during the PI Behavioral Assessment. 

In the legacy experience, we allowed people to select as many (or as few) adjectives as they wanted. As a general guideline, however, our Science team recommended selecting at least six adjectives to ensure the BA had sufficient data to provide an accurate readout. For leaders formally trained in PI, the M Score served as a useful tool for understanding when exactly individuals should consider retaking the assessment.

In PI2, we’ve embedded our scientific guidance right within the platform. Now, assessment takers must select the requisite number of adjectives to complete the assessment. As a by-product, the M Score no longer provided unique value. To avoid confusion, we decided to retire it from the PI platform.

Are there any prerequisites for using the PI2 platform? Inspire specifically?

To ensure you’re set up for success when upgrading to PI2, we highly recommend you download and review our “what to know” one-pager. This asset goes into detail about change management when moving to the new platform.

Important: When logging into PI Inspire, you may be prompted to complete the PI Behavioral Assessment “BA” (if you haven’t already taken it). Whereas other PI products use but don’t require BA data, Inspire is built from the ground up to leverage behavioral insights, which is why we ask all users to complete it. Learn more about the Behavioral Assessment.

Continue your upgrade support journey


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