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Better Work, Better World in action: PI tops G2’s list of pre-employment tools

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At The Predictive Index, we often talk about our mission—Better Work, Better World—in aspirational terms. After all, it’s a lofty ideal.  

But in a recent report, the world’s largest and most reputable tech marketplace emphatically affirmed PI’s everyday impact: G2 named The Predictive Index the No. 1 pre-assessment testing tool on the market.

In other words, PI Hire, which leverages thousands of behavioral data points so you can find the right candidates for the right roles, is helping companies create better work worlds in real-time. It’s an incredible accolade, one that wouldn’t have been achievable without the high ratings and testimonials of clients who use our software every day. 

What’s working? The G2 evaluations comprise various scores, including:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Market presence
  • Platform content
  • Platform performance

Let’s touch on how PI delivers in each of those categories.

Join 10,000 companies solving the most complex people problems with PI.

Hire the right people, inspire their best work, design dream teams, and sustain engagement for the long haul.

Customer satisfaction is crucial.

When you’re pioneering a discipline like talent optimization, evangelism is everything. You can’t cultivate a network of talent optimizers without champions of your mission and vision. But those advocates don’t just show up—you have to earn them.

G2’s Spring 2022 Report saw PI top the list for Best Relationship, Best Results, and Best Usability. And customers were extremely generous in elaborating on those best-in-class attributes. Here are just a few examples of what they said:

“The Predictive Index will change your world!”

“PI has helped me make great strides against The Great Resignation.”

“Fast, scientific insight into people and work.”

That sort of validation makes the future of talent optimization especially bright. 

Thank you to our clients—we wouldn’t be anywhere near here without you!

The Predictive Index reviews sourced by G2

Market presence in a hard-knocks hiring landscape 

PI now sits definitively in the top-right quadrant of the G2 grid. That’s nothing to sneeze at, considering the efficacy of other evaluated tools like Wonderlic, eSkill, and HR Avatar, to name just a few. 

G2 bases its score for pre-employment testing software on how well a tool helps companies and their HR departments “objectively evaluate candidates” and “make informed hiring decisions.”

It’s no secret that attracting top talent in 2022 is a high-stakes affair. Companies need tools that not only are intuitive, but also save them time. Good candidates remain scarce in the wake of The Great Resignation, and accuracy is at a premium. Aligning a candidate from that shallow pool to an open role is essential. 

PI Hire is backed by 60+ years of behavioral science, arming its users with uncommon assurance about an individual’s job fit. Applied alongside other key data, it can be a difference maker in today’s ultra-competitive hiring environment. 

Coworkers in conference room

Prioritizing platform content and performance

All the behavioral data in the world does little for a user if they can’t figure out how to get started. PI scored well in both G2’s “Ease of Use” and “Ease of Admin” categories,  indicating users are clear on not only what they’re getting from the product, but also how it can solve for their specific hiring needs.

G2 evaluated platform content and performance by considering a few key criteria, including but not limited to:

  • Customization
  • Integration APIs
  • User, role, and access management
  • Mobility
  • Reporting
  • Dashboards

It’s not easy to scale all the above and still accommodate every customer’s needs. It’s a testament to our vast partner network and in-house team—a web of talent optimization consultants—that PI Hire continues to provide value for companies of all sizes, industries, and ambitions.

Whether a hiring team is sorting through three candidates or 300, every open role is an opportunity. The PI platform is designed to get the right people in the right seats, so they can grow and thrive. For that to happen, clients need visibility and awareness at multiple levels. They need to see an individual’s strongest behavioral drives, but also how the data applies to teams and the broader organization.

G2’s platform scores solidify PI as a pivotal partner for any business developing its talent strategy, or simply hoping to hone in on the right hires. World-class software, bolstered by customized guidance, helps people and teams realize their potential. 

And when they’re operating at full capacity, inspired and engaged, those people are manifesting Better Work, Better World—everywhere PI is used. 

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Andy is a content writer and editor at PI. He's an unashamed map geek, hoops enthusiast, and Goldfish cracker aficionado.

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