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How to craft a compelling vision statement

2 min read

Since 1962, the Space Needle has towered above the Seattle skyline in the Pacific Northwest. This iconic structure includes an observation deck situated 520 feet off the ground. On a clear day, visitors are treated to sweeping views that include the Cascade mountains, Puget Sound, and Elliott Bay.

Looking toward the distant horizon proves to be an apt metaphor for leaders at every level.

This is often the domain of vision statements. When crafted properly, a vision statement offers an entire organization or a small group of team members an inspiring view of what’s possible. Unfortunately, too many vision statements miss the mark. Some buckle under their own complexity. Others are so abstract that they don’t say much of anything at all.

You need to create a clear and compelling vision statement, but how?

Not to worry. I’ve created a simple worksheet to help you put pen to paper or pixel to page. Use it to capture a first draft of your vision statement. Don’t worry if your first attempt is a bit rough around the edges. You can then use the handy rubric to check off which characteristics are coming through and which could use some attention. After you capture your final version, I’ve included some tips you can use to share and reinforce your shiny new vision statement.

Download your copy of the “How to craft a compelling vision statement” worksheet below.


Matt Poepsel, PhD is the author of Expand the Circle: Enlightened Leadership for Our New World of Work and host of the Lead the People podcast. He serves as Vice President & Godfather of Talent Optimization at The Predictive Index. He holds a PhD in Psychology, an MBA, and a Harvard Business School Certificate of Management Excellence. Matt has more than 25 years of leadership experience as a software executive and consultant. He’s also a US Marine, an Ironman triathlon finisher, and a student of Buddhist philosophy.

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