Hire Resource Center

Where should the PI Behavioral Assessment (BA) go in your hiring process? Many users choose to implement the BA in a manner that doesn’t disrupt or alter their existing workflow. The beauty of talent optimization is that it’s a flexible discipline. You can apply the Behavioral Assessment at the point in your hiring process that…

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Design Resource Center

Here you’ll find more user information about the PI Design tool, as well as resources to help you improve teamwork and collaboration. Intro to PI Design Getting started PI Design lets you see and improve any team’s chance of success. Compare the work you’re doing with the people doing the work. Discover what motivates your…

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Introducing the Artisan Reference Profile

Learn about the rebranding of the Craftsman Reference Profile to Artisan, along with other inclusive changes coming to the PI platform.

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PI Basics for Team Discovery

Here you’ll find more information about the basics of PI Design’s Team Discovery™ tool and how this tool can be so impactful for you and your team. Team Discovery walkthrough Reference Profiles You might be wondering, “how does the Behavioral Assessment tie into Team Discovery?” and that’s a valid question. The Behavioral Assessment is the…

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Understanding your Behavioral Assessment Results

The PI Behavioral Assessment (BA) helps organizations understand the personality traits that make their employees and candidates tick. PI is your superpower: It lets you see beneath the surface so you can predict how people will behave in given situations. Your Behavioral Report will provide a more nuanced summary of your specific results. If you…

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