Science basics
Introduction to Fairness, Bias, and Adverse Impact
Learn the basics of fairness, bias, and adverse impact.
Research and Validity at PI
Learn about fairness, reliability, and validity research at PI.
How does the PI Behavioral Assessment Compare to the Five Factor Model?
At PI, we are frequently asked how the PI Behavioral Assessment compares to Five Factor Assessments. Although this is a great question, there is not a simple answer. In this article, we provide some information to help you understand the differences. The main distinctions are: The Five Factor Model: Five Broad Factors, But Not Theory…
Should organizations be concerned with “faking” when using the PI Behavioral Assessment?
The increased use of personality assessments in the workplace has brought renewed concerns about applicant response distortion (e.g., “faking”). Based on over 60 years of experience and a body of empirical research performed by organizational researchers, The Predictive Index does not believe faking is an issue when using well-designed personality assessments such as the PI…
Is it okay to deliver the PI Behavioral Assessment on a mobile device?
The Predictive Index (PI) fully endorses the use of mobile devices for taking the PI Behavioral Assessment. PI has compared the results of thousands of PI Behavioral Assessments taken on computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Two studies have verified that the choice of device has no effect on the number of adjectives a respondent chooses…
M refers to the count of the number of adjectives a participant selects on the PI Behavioral Assessment. It does not measure the candidate’s personality traits and is not intended as a way to select candidates. While M is not a measure of any construct, it does play a role in the scoring of the…
Behavioral and Cognitive Assessment Accommodations
What are potential accommodations for respondents with disabilities on PI’s assessments? Clients and other stakeholders often have questions about administering the PI Behavioral Assessment and PI Cognitive Assessment to assessment takers with disabilities. These questions may arise because the client needs to comply with legal requirements, or the client may be working with assessment takers…
Have PI’s assessments undergone any third-party reviews?
At the Predictive Index, we employ a full-time staff of qualified researchers who develop, maintain, monitor, and document the PI assessments to ensure that they are valid, reliable, and fair; however, our researchers are not the only people who have eyes on our assessments. PI’s assessments have undergone formal peer reviews to reviews where researchers…
Optional Research Questions (ORQs)
The Optional Research Questions (ORQs), are a set of questions in which respondents are invited to participate prior to the PI Behavioral Assessment. The ORQ page consists of demographic questions and may also consist of additional questions about the respondent. These questions help The Predictive Index ensure the continuing fairness of its assessments as well…
What is the PI Word Test Program?
Overview The PI word test program randomly selects four test words from an item pool and presents those words to each assessment-taker on both the self and self-concept pages of the PI Behavioral Assessment. While these four test words may differ between assessment-takers, the same words will be displayed on the self and self-concept pages…
Understanding your Behavioral Assessment Results
The PI Behavioral Assessment (BA) helps organizations understand the personality traits that make their employees and candidates tick. PI is your superpower: It lets you see beneath the surface so you can predict how people will behave in given situations. Your Behavioral Report will provide a more nuanced summary of your specific results. If you…
Cognitive Assessment scoring
The PI Cognitive Assessment measures general cognitive ability and the ability to adapt, grasp, and handle complexity. It does not measure IQ or acquired knowledge, but indicates how fast an individual can be expected to acquire new knowledge. The score is referenced against the general population norm, the average of which is 250. The norm for any…