
Implementing PI in your Organization

We’re so excited to have you join our growing PI community, and we hope you are too. You are about to embark on a powerful journey. In fact, we think your organization has made the best decision ever – the decision to learn more about your employees and their needs.

It may seem that there is a lot to learn and do, but relax. You’ve got this! We’ll support you the whole way.

Excite Your Organization & Gain PI Champions

We’re excited. You’re excited. Now it’s time to get your organization excited! 

The belief that your people are your most valuable asset is what brought your organization to The Predictive Index. PI is a solution that is equally committed to improving the working lives of people through talent optimization — the practice of aligning people strategy with business strategy to achieve results. Together, we are working towards providing a dynamic work environment where everyone can be their best.

Share the value of PI with your executive team, HR team, managers, employees, and anyone and everyone.

Introduce PI

The more people in your organization that understand how PI works, its benefits, and how it will be used, the more comfortable they will be and the more they will participate. When everyone is speaking the same people-language, that’s when you’ll see the most value from PI. Here are some options to help you spread PI awareness.

  • We’ve found that hosting a ​Lunch & Learn​ ​to discuss PI with your organization can also help set the foundation and expectations for employees at all levels of your organization. Note: Lunch not included 😉

Unlock the Power of your People

Unlock the power of your people by inviting your employees to take the PI Behavioral Assessment. Upon completion of the Behavioral Assessment, your employees will receive their results via email including their Person Snapshot.

Share Additional Insights

Now that your employees have gained some initial self-awareness, start embedding self-awareness into your culture. Here are some ways to get started:

Personal Development

  • When everyone at your organization is speaking the same people-language through PI, you will reap the rewards of improved interpersonal dynamics and team performance. Ensure that all employees have access to their:
    • PI Behavioral Report
    • Personal Development Chart
    • PI Placard
  • Share the Personal Development Chart with individual contributors
  • Share the Manager Development Chart with managers.

Relationship Tools

  • Discover how two people work together using the ​Relationship Guide​. The results of this guide will provide people with relationship strengths, cautions, and tips based on reference profiles.
  • Have employees post their BA placards at their desk so others can quickly understand each other’s needs and how to interact with each other.

Management Tools

Introduce your managers to tools that can be incorporated into 1:1 meetings or performance reviews, including:

  • Empower your managers to ​coach and manage​ ​employees based on their behavioral patterns using this helpful ​Manager’s Guide to Reference Profiles​.
  • Management Strategy Guide – A tool to help managers understand the needs of their employees so they can adjust their style to motivate and drive high performance.
  • Coaching Guide​ ​- A tool that helps managers align on job expectations and coach to high performance in the role. For the more experienced manager, this tool can also be used to help develop career paths and coach to a future or dream job.

Team Dynamics and Performance

  • Elevate the team’s understanding of each other and how you operate as a team by hosting a team building session using ​Team Discovery.
  • Encourage all employees to plan and host better meetings by using people-data.​ ​Take a peek before hosting any meeting​ ​and see who needs the details or wants you to get to the point quickly.

Integrate PI into your Hiring Process

Below are some high-level tips on integrating PI into your hiring process. For more details and ideas, check out​ ​Applying PI in the Employee Lifecycle​!

Set Job Targets

A great place to start is by creating a Job Target for an open position. A job target allows you to gather input from a variety of stakeholders to define what the key tasks and behavioral requirements of a job should be.

  • This course provides an overview of how you might think about using PI and a talent optimization perspective when hiring.
  • For a very specific guide on how to create job targets in the software use this resource on creating and managing job targets
  • Once you’ve aligned on which Jobs to assess and identified the team of key stakeholders involved, assess 3 jobs. Send Job Assessments​ to stakeholders and gain agreement on a Job Pattern for 3 positions.
  • In order to use the Job Targets, you must use the Behavioral Assessment and if you choose, the Cognitive Assessment, during the hiring process. Sample verbiage to introduce these Assessments to candidates can be ​found here​.

Evaluate Fit

  • Identify those candidates that best meet your​ ​Job Target​ by referencing ​Match Scores​. After the candidate takes the Behavioral and/or Cognitive Assessment(s) and is associated with a job in the software, they are given a Match Score that represents how similar their assessment results are to the job target you defined.
  • Take your interviewing to the next level by leveraging PI’s​ ​Interview Guide​. Check out our Interviewing with PI Power Up​ ​on what to do before, during, and after the interview.

Integrate PI into Onboarding

  • Once you’ve officially hired someone for a role, be sure to include PI Orientation in their Onboarding materials.
  • Provide new hires with their:
    • PI Behavioral Report
    • Personal Development Chart
    • PI Placard

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