
Best practices when completing an employee review

Reviews are an important tool for determining, tracking, and evaluating employee goals and goal attainment. Not only do they help you evaluate how an employee is doing based on their competencies and job responsibilities, but they provide an opportunity for you and your employees to align on goals and map out how their work contributes…

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Having successful review conversations

Whether you’re reviewing an employee who has reported to you for a while or someone who is brand new, just the thought of having the conversation can be overwhelming. You might be asking yourself…  How do I start? What if the person disagrees about some of the feedback? What do I do after the review…

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Using the Coaching Guide

Managers and coaches aren’t one and the same. Being a manager is more directive and transactional. Managers oversee the work of their employees, create plans, and direct their employees. They identify needs and fix problems to keep projects moving so the business can achieve its goals. Coaches are more consultative and employee-focused. They focus on…

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Perspectives: Stop Managing, Start Leading
People Management
Perspectives: “Are You Even Listening?”
People Management

PI Inspire: Recognize an employee

Why does recognition matter? According to Psychology Today, feeling appreciated is a cornerstone of positive self-worth. It also strengthens the bond between two individuals. Studies show that workplace recognition is important to employees of every generation. And it’s a key driver in employee engagement. 40 percent of American workers would put in more effort if their employers…

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PI Inspire: Improve a relationship

Understanding yourself and others. When people understand their similarities and differences—and they’ve negotiated the best ways of working together—magic happens. Working with someone similar to yourself is intuitive. But, when the person you’re working with is different than you, it takes deliberate effort to change your own behavior so that you interact with them effectively….

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PI Inspire: Resolve a conflict

What is conflict? What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word conflict? For most, it’s probably a negative connotation of people communicating. However, conflict is not always a bad thing. There are actually two types of conflict: healthy and unhealthy. Although they might look very similar on the outside,…

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PI Inspire: Upskill an employee

Building career paths Progressing toward a goal is a strong motivator and opportunities to grow professionally is a top driver for employee engagement. Clear career paths can help you motivate employees in a way that’s aligned with your business and their desires. How do you ensure you’re setting them up for success? Most companies define specific skills…

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