
What is a Producing Team?

Introducing the Producing Team

A Producing Team is one of the nine Team Types identified by The Predictive Index.

Producing Teams are task-oriented with their eye on the prize. Cooperation with others isn’t emphasized. They tend to work together when it helps reach individual goals—it has to be a win-win. When exchanging resources, people may expect something in return or use information to gain influence over others. Politics often play a major role in how work gets done on the team.

Natural Strengths
  • Clear and efficient in approach
  • Undaunted by failure
  • Held to high standards
Caution Areas
  • At risk of burnout
  • Potentially rivalrous
  • Prone to conflict

“As a producing team, we tend to be more task-oriented. We appreciate clarity on our goals and clear expectations on the work to be done to achieve them. Once we have clarity, we are eager to get our work done and move on to the next thing. While we do enjoy connecting socially, we spend the majority of our time executing.”

— Yonca Ural

The science of a Producing Team

A Team Type is a collection of individuals’ behavioral patterns, as plotted within the Team Discovery tool. Team Discovery aggregates each individual’s PI Behavioral Assessment results. Then, using PI’s proprietary calculations, the tool plots each team member against a four-quadrant map. This lets you visualize the degree to which each person falls in one quadrant versus another. For a team whose members primarily fall within the Results and Discipline quadrant, you will often result in a Producing Team.

But it’s not this placement alone that determines the Team Type. As mentioned, we have to consider how strongly individuals fall within each quadrant, so there are cases where you might get results that don’t seem as obvious, even if a large portion of the members fall within one quadrant. To better understand how these individuals are plotted, check out the video below.

How individuals are plotted in teams.mp4

Your business is not something you want to leave up to chance. To ensure a well-oiled machine, you need to understand how it runs and how to tune it. That means considering the behavioral traits of each new team member and how their traits can complement or balance the team they’re joining.

The Results & Discipline quadrant

A Producing Team is most commonly associated with this quadrant, but a team can have individuals from any quadrant.

  • Focus on results and goal achievement
  • Prefer a focus on tasks and execution
  • Communicate after thorough reflection on their own

Getting the best out of your team

With each team, there are strengths you want to lean on, as well as caution areas you should account for. Based on what you’ve learned about Producing Teams, use the interactive below to determine some actions to get the most from your team.

You shouldn’t just rely on your Team Type to achieve success. Although it’s important, there is also another factor to consider, and that’s your Team Strategy.

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