Hire: Validated hiring

Making the right hire is critical to your organization’s success. Increase your odds of placing the right people in the right roles by creating a world-class hiring process for yourself and your candidates. This will save your company time and money and lead to top talent. It’s all about following a step-by-step recipe with the goal of aligning your talent strategy with your business strategy. 

Where should the PI Behavioral Assessment (BA) go in your hiring process?

Many users choose to implement the BA in a manner that doesn’t disrupt or alter their existing workflow. The beauty of talent optimization is that it’s a flexible discipline.

You can apply the Behavioral Assessment at the point in your hiring process that makes the most sense for everyone involved – whether that’s as the centerpiece, an add-on, or something in between.

Here is what it would look like for your organization to send the BA early vs. later.

Incorporating the Cognitive Assessment

Cognitive data serves as one of the strongest indicators of job performance, when used alongside behavioral data. PI’s Cognitive Assessment measures a person’s ability to learn, adapt, and grasp new information. It is not an IQ test, but it can offer a key piece of new data when evaluating candidates.

The Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment is a 12-minute, 50-question assessment measuring an individual’s general cognitive ability, and is one of the strongest indicators of job performance. It gives visibility into how quickly your candidates will onboard, learn the role and adapt to change. This provides you with confidence that you’re making data-driven decisions rather than relying on emotions or guesswork in your hiring process.

  • It was built and validated exclusively for use in the workplace, and it provides insight into a person’s capacity to learn, adapt, and grasp new concepts.
  • It does not measure IQ or previously acquired knowledge (e.g., job-specific knowledge), behaviors, or willingness to make an effort to learn new things. Rather, it indicates how fast an individual can be expected to acquire new knowledge. 
  • When combined with other selection criteria, including the Behavioral Assessment, resumes, and interviews, our Cognitive Assessment provides a powerful understanding of a candidate’s potential for success in a given role.

You can use the Cognitive Target for roles that require:

  • Learning new skills
  • Adjusting to new scenarios in the workplace
  • Processing information at a quicker pace

Don’t use the Cognitive Assessment for:

  • Roles that don’t have potential for advancement
  • Positions with minimal complexity
  • Instances in which a candidate’s disability compromises their access to or completion of the assessment in the allotted time.

We also provide you with fit ratings, which gauge how your candidates’ assessment scores align with the Job Target you’ve established. You can use these to rank and prioritize candidates, to review them further, or to guide interviews, but they are not designed to be used as a sole decision-making measure. Any assessment used should be considered as another data point through which you evaluate your candidate.

What is the Behavioral Target?

Every individual is wired differently. Their behavioral makeup dictates how they approach and respond to situations in the workplace. And the more insight you have into those behaviors, the better equipped you are as a colleague, team, or organization to understand your people – and put them in positions where they will thrive. 

Let’s explore how certain workplace behaviors commonly show up in the workplace. 

Below, you’ll see the ways people may respond to certain situations, based on their strongest behavioral drives, but also their more moderate ones. Each individual’s combination of behavioral drives makes them uniquely suited for specific roles – and when they find those roles, they can maximize workplace happiness. You can use this information to build your Job Target.

The benefits of structured interviews

Hiring great talent has become a critical art. Interviews play a pivotal role in finding the right person for the job, and are often your best opportunity for digging deeper, confirming behavioral traits and gaining reassurance about a candidate. Remember, applicants are interviewing you as well. Creating a smooth and delightful interview process benefits everyone involved. 

A great interview tailors the experience to assess both the needs of the job and the specialities of the candidate. This requires a clear understanding of the role’s requirements and an ability to gauge the fit of those job characteristics to your candidate. 

A structured interview process is intended to create a consistent way to interview and assess candidates. When it comes time to review notes after all of the interviews have been completed, the team will be able to look at how each candidate fared in certain areas, avoiding costly mishires.

Structured interviews are more objective and ensure attention is focused on what’s important to the job. Our Interview Builder helps to streamline this part of the interview process and creates specific questions pertaining to a job’s requirements. It also helps save time in the event that you have multiple interviewers. 

Interview Resources

Hire documentation Understanding and accounting for unconscious bias Using the PI Interview Builder The team interview prep guide template Why behavioral interviews can help your hiring process

Improving your process

Creating accurate Job Targets

Job targets are a key resource in Hire. Learn how to build them with confidence.

Hiring the right talent

Explore how certain behaviors commonly show up in the workplace.

Fair & responsible use

Understand how to use assessments in an equitable and responsible manner.

Want to learn more about hiring great candidates?

Explore one of our free courses that will help you understand and hire the best candidates for every role every time.

How to build a diverse workforce Complete in: 10 minutes Using the DASH method to take pressure off your hiring process Rating Interview Responses using the STAR method

Candidates are fielding multiple interviews at a time, hoping to parlay the competition into a best-possible offer. Your interview process needs to stand out. You need to be efficient and impressive. This certification will help you improve on a few of the critical skills needed to make good hires.