Matt Poepsel, PhD

Vice President & Godfather of Talent Optimization


Debra Squyres

Chief Customer Officer, Bonusly

Top 3 Takeaways

  1. Dial it in. Recognition needs to go beyond generic praise to be specific and meaningful. It should connect individual contributions to company values and business outcomes.
  2. Make the connection. In remote work environments in particular, leaders must create opportunities for connection and recognition. There are no hallway conversations online.
  3. Frequency counts. Career development should happen in the flow of work through regular coaching conversations and recognition. Aim for a weekly basis if not even more frequent.

From the Source

“You have to reimagine the traditional top down recognition and rewards as a system that creates culture, a culture of positive recognition and influences the right business outcomes. So moving from just feel good to feel good and do good.”

“There’s a real connectivity to helping the business achieve its objectives by helping people feel valued and recognized for the great work that they’re doing.”

“When we shifted overnight to remote work for everyone… we lost a sense of connectedness and the ability to build real relationships in the workplace… we have to reimagine how we gather around the proverbial water cooler.”

“Every generation that comes into the workplace gets this pushback on their expectations… but really the greatest value that each generation brings is that they push the envelope. They take what the prior generation did, and they push it further because they see a different possibility.”

“Generic recognition, like ‘great job,’ or ‘thanks for holding the door open’ doesn’t cut it. People see right through that… You have to be specific. You need to take the time to say something meaningful about what they did or how they did it.”

“Recognition and catching people at their best, whether it’s living the values or achieving great outcomes is one half of the career development equation… The other piece of it is constructive feedback.”

“We’ve made career development this big thing over there that we have to stop everything else to do… That’s not how the world works. We move much faster than that. If you’re not looking at this on a weekly basis as part of your normal rhythm of how you engage with your team members, then you’re missing out on the real opportunity there.”

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