
Inspire: Leadership development

Inspire Overview

It can be challenging to embed new tools into existing processes. But when it’s a tool like PI Inspire—one that helps you onboard employees, reduce turnover, improve relationships, and empower leaders at every level—there’s really no time to lose. If you don’t give your managers and their people the tools to be successful, you risk losing them altogether. 

Have you ever encountered any of the following scenarios?

  • “I have a manager who isn’t sure how to give feedback.”
  • “I have team members who can’t seem to get on the same page.”
  • “A top performer asked for additional leadership opportunities.”
  • “I’m worried about turnover we’re experiencing.”

When you invite co-workers to Inspire, it’ll help them understand their strengths, caution areas, and preferred work styles. 

Building awareness of how everyone is wired will mean less time spent managing conflict and more time spent driving the business forward. By understanding where you’re similar to and where you differ from your peers, you can foster an environment where employees tap into their strengths and embrace areas of opportunity. Use Inspire’s behavioral insights to have honest conversations with people to help them be successful at your organization—now and in the future.

3 steps to roll out and get value from PI Inspire

Excited about Inspire, but not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Below are three steps to help you introduce Inspire to your organization. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can return to it as you progress through each.

1. Strategic planning and communication.

If you could wave a magic wand, what’s the number one business issue or people problem you’d like to address? 

Most of our clients who use Inspire are trying to decrease turnover and increase leadership capabilities across the organization. The data and insights you’ll see can help foster an environment where employees understand themselves and each other, which allows for honest conversations based on what people need in order to be successful in their roles and at your organization.

One thing to consider are any upcoming strategic initiatives Inspire can help with. 

Inspire can play a vital role in any performance conversations and strategic planning. Coach employees in a way that fits their natural behaviors. By understanding the person and the role they’re in or the role they’d like to be in, you can address any gaps between behavioral drives and behaviors required for success in the role. Knowing this can help you set employees up for success in their careers and develop leaders at your organization.

Once you’ve identified a problem, we can begin to prescribe a solution. 

With your plan of action set, it’s time to share it with your organization. If you haven’t already looped in other key stakeholders (a CHRO, Director of L&D, your IT department, etc.), now’s the time to do so, and get sign-off. 

Schedule a meeting with your employees (or dedicate time during your next company meeting) to introduce everyone to The Predictive index [presentation | video]. Use this time to explain what PI Inspire is, how the PI Behavioral Assessment works, and what the assessment-taking process looks like.

Consider your audience. If you’re presenting at an all-company meeting, you likely have a mix of executives, middle managers, team leads, and individual contributors all in the same room. Tailor your messaging based on the crowd, and articulate both the why behind Inspire and how Inspire makes their work lives a little easier. 

Then comes the most important part: questions. Leave ample time during the meeting and provide a place afterwards for employees to ask questions.

2. Manager orientation.

One of the keys to success in Inspire is empowering your managers to use the data and insights with their teams. After all, they’re the ones that are going to lead the conversations when there are employees who want to talk about career growth, working with new colleagues, and handling conflict.

Be sure to review and align on expectations with anyone with direct reports. They’ll need to understand how PI will be used at your organization and how they’ll be expected to lead the conversations that come up in team meetings and one-on-ones with their direct reports.

There are several ways to get your managers excited and aligned. We recommend our Leadership and Management Certification or, for those who learn better through guided facilitation, our Inspire People to Perform workshop for managers.

3. Get started with PI Inspire.

All that’s left for your implementation is to send the assessment to your employees. 

If you’re only inviting a few people to start, you can send individual invites. If you’re an admin in the software, you’ll probably want to use our bulk invite feature, which enables you to send the assessment to multiple people at once.

After you have employees using Inspire, you’ll want to schedule meetings to discuss their results. You can do so as a group or you can talk individually via one-on-one sessions. As with so much of Inspire, you have the freedom to use the software how you see fit.

Keep the momentum going – manager development

The data and insights in Inspire are designed with progress in mind. The more time you invest and the more you share these insights internally, the more knowledge—and value—you gain. 

Here are just a few examples of how to use Inspire in the coming weeks and months:

  • Onboarding a new hire? Pull up their results and share them with your team. You should also share the team’s results with the new hire. This way, everyone has an understanding of what they need and what others need to be successful. 
  • Leading a project? Encourage everyone on the team to view their relationships with individual co-workers before getting started. Who would be best suited to lead communication? Which team members will tend to be more innovative and who will keep project scope (timelines, etc.) on track?  
  • Promoting a direct report? Revisit their results to identify growth opportunities in their new role and to prepare for areas that require different behaviors than the role they’re leaving so they understand where they’ll need to stretch and where they might need assistance while they get up and running.
  • Sensing some tension? Ask your employees to be vulnerable. How can you help them thrive? Improve your leadership style with our management tips. Improve their working conditions by having them view relationship insights with other team members.

Business is ever-changing. Conflicts and changes in performances are inevitable. Inspire gives you the tools to address those problems in a timely, thoughtful, and compassionate way. Introduce the software to your people, and never look back.

Help managers coach their teams to greatness.

Learn how to unlock strategies to motivate and manage your employees based on their individual working styles. Strengthen your own capabilities and identify where you’ll need to adapt to create a thriving team. Build a team that drives results.