Lean Six Sigma Specialists

Certified Partner

About Lean Six Sigma Specialists

Specializing in working collaboratively with Executive Teams to Transform company cultures & Improve Overall Operational Performance!

For 23 years we have been assisting and collaborating with management teams in all kinds of industries, from the money in your pocket with the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, to Victoria’s Secret Lotion! By implementing standardized methodologies like, Lean and Six Sigma. The Bureau of engraving is now printing more perfect notes (bills). By utilizing Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) changeover/set-up reduction, Victoria’s Secret is now bottling almost 100 million bottles of lotion/year, on the same bottling line they were once bottling 50 million bottles. The concept is: that any process previously not looked at or improved has at least 50% waste in it.
Our approach is simple: We utilize the people that do the work at your organization as the “Subject Matter Experts.” We provide them with the concepts and the tools to provide a standardized approach and new scientific tools that make them “lethal contributors” to improve the process. We put them into teams and guide them through this process. The results are amazing when people that do the work are given the time, the resources and the support to improve their jobs! If this sounds like an approach that resonates with you, then give us a call. Respectfully, do not contact us, if you simply want a flavor-of-the-month, or a new vocabulary that you don’t intend to back up with your actions! Other clients include: Military/Aerospace, Foods, Finance, Government Agencies & Municipalities, Health & Beauty, etc.