GENESIS Consulting Group LLC

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About GENESIS Consulting Group LLC

GENESIS Consulting Group is a management consulting firm specializing in Talent Optimization. We solve business problems with people solutions.

We focus on aligning your people strategy to your business strategy to achieve your desired business results. Too often, when executives hear the term “People Strategy,” they shrug off the responsibility and send it down the hall to human resources. But when it comes to designing and optimizing your most important (and most costly) business asset, your people, passing the buck is also passing up your biggest opportunity to create a truly great organization.

Team Leaders

Zach Adams

Zach Adams

Chief Problem Solver

As GCG's Founder and CEO I have 20+ yearS experience working within the Professional Service Industry. The Majority of my time spent in Business Management and Operations. I left my role as the Chief Operations Officer at a large national Architectural/Interiors/MEP firm to start Genesis Consulting Group. My goal was simple; help companies reach their potential utilizing the discipline of Talent Optimization.