
Elevated Talent Consulting

Certified Partner

About Elevated Talent Consulting

Fulfilled Talents Results Achieved. Talent Analytics paired with leadership development to achieve business results.

We believe every employee has a right and choice to be fulfilled in their work. The job of a leader is to create the culture and systems to ensure that every role has the perfect person in it to achieve the outlined results with ease. With Elevated Talent Consulting you will find the tools, backed by science, paired with industry experts to guide you to align your team and achieve your business results.

Fulfilled workforce. Results achieved.

Team Leaders

Traci Scherck

Traci Scherck

Chief Talent Officer

Traci is a dynamic, thoughtful and innovative talent optimizer that is committed to putting humans first while achieving customer engagement and profitability goals through authentic and concise organizational development solutions. She has over 15 years of experience building and implementing HR programs that result in increased retention and employee engagement. She is the Talent Optimization Expert  and a skilled trainer.