Caldwell Analytics

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About Caldwell Analytics

At Caldwell we believe Talent Transforms. As a leading provider of executive talent, we enable our clients to thrive and succeed by helping them identify, assess, recruit and retain the best people. 

As a leading provider of executive talent, we enable our clients to thrive and succeed by helping them identify, assess, recruit and retain the best people. Our reputation–50 years in the making–is built on transformative searches across functions and geographies at the very highest levels of management and operations. We leverage our skills and networks to also provide agile talent in the form of flexible and on-demand advisory solutions, and talent optimization as a certified partner of PI.

Team Leaders

Todd Lingle

Todd Lingle


Todd Lingle is a Partner with Caldwell Analytics, the Organization Effectiveness division of Caldwell. Todd works with leaders to improve individual, team, and business-unit performance using workforce analytics. This work includes leadership/competency assessment for talent acquisition/selection, leadership, high-performance teams, engagement, talent management/performance management, strategic execution, organizational change, culture, succession planning, and organizational design.

Dan Courser

Dan Courser

General Manager

Dan specializes in leveraging human capital analytics to improve individual, team, and business-unit performance using workforce analytics related to organizational design, leadership, team dynamics, communication, motivation, talent management, and strategic execution, empowering organizations to attract, develop and retain top talent.

Dr. Jeff Bondy

Dr. Jeff Bondy

Partner/ Management Psychologist/ Master Trainer

Jeff has a long-held interest in human capital and psychometrics and has worked as a certified master trainer of PI since the program’s inception, leading hundreds of trainings for thousands of enthusiastic participants. Jeff is a management psychologist and lead trainer for Caldwell Analytics.

Morgan Golden

Morgan Golden

Client Success Manager

Morgan has a long-standing interest in using psychology and psychometrics to improve business practices. Before joining Caldwell, Morgan was the director of operations for the Applied Behavioral Academy®, and director of client services at Predictive Synergistic Systems, where she was an integral part of the company’s success before it was sold to PI®. Morgan has an excellent reputation amongst the over 300 PI® clients in her former role and is a major contributor to the operations of our Master Training Center.