African Wood Inc

Certified Partner

About African Wood Inc

We take pride in helping C-level Executives know themselves and understand their teams through Coaching, Mentoring & Training using Behavioral, Cognitive & Emotional Intelligence Competence Assessments. Gather Data,Glean Insights,Take Action

The team understands that emerging scientists, technology and innovations (EST&I) carry both inherent risk and reward thus helping to Set Policy, Model & Establish Norms that are beneficial to all stakeholders is a valued service. Gather Data, Glean Insights, Take Action.

Team Leaders

Dr. David F Amakobe, MBA, DBA

Dr. David F Amakobe, MBA, DBA

President & CEO

An organizational behavior consultant who Helps C-level Executives diagnose and develop their self-awareness and understand their teams. David applies Talent optimizations and emotional intelligence assessments in Coaching, Mentoring & Training. Building on his Doctorate research on the Emotional Intelligence skills business managers need to establish a successful healthcare business. David Helps Set Policy,Model & Establish Norms in Emerging Science, Technology and Innovation (EST&I).