Transcript: Shared teams

To organize assessment takers, the PI software will allow you to create teams and share them with other software users in your organization, or with a Third Party user like your PI Consultant. If you’d like to create, edit or share a team, hover your mouse over the dropdown to the far left and select Teams. 

A list of all teams that you have access to will display. Each team will specify whether or not the team was initially created by you or if it had been shared with you by another software user or Third Party user. Click on the name of the team to view all assessment takers associated with this team. 

The Team Details section will list all team members by default where you can get a quick snapshot of each member’s contact information and any assessment results associated with that team member. Here you can select individuals and run any of the reports listed in the tabs located here. If you’re an admin you’ll also have some additional options to update team member’s information by bulk using the admin dropdown.

If you’d like to edit the team, click the pencil icon at the top of the page next to the team name. A panel will slide out that will allow you to update information such as changing the name of the team, adding assessment takers by typing and selecting their name, or removing them by clicking the x’s next to their name underneath the search bar.

If you’d like to share this team, click on the share button to the top right of the page. Account Owners, Account Admins and third-party users are the only user roles that can currently share teams. However, they can share with any level of user. Type their name or email into the searchbar and then select the individual from the populated list. A success message will display once the user is added. In this example we can see that these users with access can only view this team. However, if we click the option to Enable Edit Access, you’ll notice a status change to “Can edit”.  For edit access, editing can be granted to any level except for read-only users which will only have view access.

Both of those newly added users will now have access to this team and will receive an email notification. When they log into the software and navigate to the teams page, they’ll now see the team here and we can tell that they have edit access because the Team Discovery button is available to them. 

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