Transcript: Job assessments overview

To navigate to an existing job assessment in The Predictive Index software, you can either enter the name of the job using the search bar in the upper right hand corner of the screen, or by clicking on the name of the job in the Recent Job Activity section.

At the top of the job details page you will be able to see the folder this job is stored in and copy a quick link to send to candidates so they can take a behavioral and cognitive assessment if required for this job. You can also click the pencil icon to edit some basic information like the job title, the folder the job is saved in, and the job description.

By default, the Overview tab will display for the job assessment that will house the behavioral target for this job. If for any reason this needed to be updated, you can do so by clicking Modify Target. Here you will be able to manually update the target areas for any of the behavioral factors by dragging the orange boxes. You can do the same thing for the cognitive target if one is associated with this job. 

If stakeholder input was provided, you can review results by clicking on the Manage Stakeholder Input button. The orange boxes, or the job target, were created based on the input from all participating stakeholders. If you click on the checkboxes next to each stakeholder’s name, you can see how they impacted the shape of the desired behavioral pattern. If you would like additional input you can click the add more contributors button to send the job assessment to more stakeholders. Once again, if a cognitive assessment was associated with this job you’ll also see it here. Once finished you can either click Cancel or if you made changes that you would like to apply, click Accept Target.

Back on the job assessments page, the last section on the Overview tab is Assessment Results. Here you can view all candidates linked to this job assessment and any other assessment takers in the software that might be a good fit for this role.

And if you want a more in depth look at the job target, click on the Job Report tab and a report will generate for this job. The report will include your job description, preferred behaviors, job characteristics and the ideal behavioral and cognitive target if applicable. If you’d like, you can email, print or download a copy of this report to your device, to share with others.

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