
Transcript: How to be a virtual learner

Welcome to your Predictive Index virtual learning workshop.

As a virtual learner, you have the opportunity to get the same information and training as you would in person, but it will require some new habits. A virtual workshop is not a webinar; it’s an interactive class where you’ll be expected to communicate with other attendees and your instructor.

Just like with an in-person workshop, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. If you practice good habits, you’ll get more value. Here are some virtual workshop best practices to set you up for success.


  • Log in to class a bit early, so you’re confident in the connection and can test the audio and video technology.
  • Be prepared with necessary materials, just like you would for an in-person session.
  • Mute your audio unless you are speaking.
  • Let others know when you’re not available or if you have to step away.
  • Be present and engaged, rather than distracted by other tasks or your phone.


  • Forget to test and manage your audio, so you know when it is muted or not.
  • Work in a noisy or crowded area, it distracts you and others.
  • Talk over others. Virtual settings require more signals before you speak.
  • Ignore the presenter or other attendees. Use the ways to interact, like chats and polls.
  • Have applications open that may cause distractions (email, calendar, Slack, etc.)

Just like an in-person workshop, be sure to take notes, complete assignments, and practice what you have learned outside of class. This will help you put the ideas into action. 

We’re excited to have you join this and other virtual sessions, and know that you’ll be learning and connecting with other like-minded professionals!

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