Transcript: Download a CSV file

To download a CSV file of completed behavioral assessments in the PI software you will need account owner or account administrator access. If you have these permissions, click on the Recently Completed link on your dashboard.

This will navigate you to a list of all completed assessments in your organization. Click the checkbox in the column header. By default all assessments on this page will be selected as you can see from the text here. To select all assessments throughout the organization. Click on the text “Select all items.”

Next, click on Admin and a dropdown of actions will display. Select Download CSV. A CSV file will be downloaded to your device and will contain the assessment info for all assessments that were selected.

You can also do this for assessments in a specific folder. To do this, hover your mouse over the dropdown to the far left and select folders. A list of your organization’s folder structure will display. Select a folder from the list below. Now you’ll perform the same steps of selecting all assessment takers by clicking the checkbox in the column header and then from the admin dropdown menu, clicking on Download CSV.

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