Transcript: Add behavioral assessment by score ID
In order to add a behavioral assessment by an existing score ID to a new or an existing assessment taker, hover your mouse over the dropdown to the far left and select “Assessment Center”.
Click on the Add by Score ID box and then begin typing the name of the individual you’d like to add an assessment to. If you want to create a new assessment taker, when you click inside the search bar, a box that states “Add New Person” will appear.
Click Add New Person and then enter all required fields which are marked with red asterisks.
This includes their name, their email address, whether they are a candidate or employee, and which folder you would like to add this user to by clicking the folder icon and selecting the specific folder.
If you have a job to associate this assessment taker with you can search for one here by typing the name of the job and selecting it from the populated list. This step is optional.
Once finished, click Create New Person to add this assessment taker to the software and then click Next.
Now you’ll enter the ten digit code for the Behavioral score Id and the date the assessment was taken. Once finished, click Create.
The assessment taker will be created and you will be navigated to their person page with the specified behavioral assessment.
The software makes it quick and easy to send the Behavioral Assessment to everyone at your company.
The “Track Employee Assessments” card on the dashboard provides you with a link, which you can paste into an email to your organization. Anyone who clicks on that link will be tagged as an employee and saved directly into your employees folder. This eliminates the need to type in each person’s email address one at a time and reduces the amount of admin work for you!
You have a great support system. If you have questions, reach out to your PI contact or consultant. Let’s get started!
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