
Provided By

Provider Type
PI Software Feature
Countries Served
All, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States
Languages Spoken
Payroll Management
Embed assessment links in automated messages to save time sending individual invites, deliver completion messages to the right team member
Two-way Integration Not Possible
As a highly secure payroll system, Paylocity doesn’t support integration strategies that involve direct connections to and from other systems. Some batch data export capabilities are supported, but no automated data import. Therefore, no opportunity exists to directly read or write internal data to create a two-way automated integration with The Predictive Index.
Efficient Strategy Available
The Predictive Index software offers a feature known as “Open Invitation Links” that can be used to make some efficiency gains by putting links in Paylocity’s automated communications. This feature appears in the PI Assessment Center in the “Invite by Link” tab. Create one general link to use for all assessment takers or many specialized links for different jobs or recruiters or locations. Each link can have its own notification settings as well, enabling the right people to receive an email notification when assessments are completed for links that pertain to them. Email notifications sent from PI contain links directly to assessment results.
Read about how to manage assessments this way here: How to Administer an Assessment Using an Open Invitation Link
Use Separate Applicant Tracking System
If your goal is to integrate The Predictive Index into your recruiting process, consider using a separate Applicant Tracking System that already has an integration with The Predictive Index and, ideally, an integration with Paylocity. One such system is ClearCompany who has both PI and Paylocity integrations available.
- Behavioral
- Cognitive
- Email Link to PI Person Page
- Show assessment links to candidates in web content
- Send assessment links to candidates in email messages
- Automatically assign PI attributes to an assessment taker by using a specialized assessment link
- Job
- Folder
- Person Type
- Configure completion notification emails containing links to PI results to be sent to a custom list of recipients for each link
- Optionally deliver the Behavioral Report PDF to the assessment taker
- Optionally configure a Cognitive assessment invitation to be sent following completion of the Behavioral assessment
- The PI Open Invitation Link feature is included with the PI software
Languages Supported
- Any
- English
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese