Bullhorn – Joynd

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Provider Type
Integration Solution Provider
Countries Served
Canada, United States
Languages Spoken
English, French
Applicant Tracking System
Assign assessments to candidates along with job info, see report files, details, link to PI, and match scores in Bullhorn
Joynd (formerly called HRNX) offers a standard, real-time integration between Bullhorn and The Predictive Index (PI) assessment platform. Recruiting users within Bullhorn can assign PI assessments (Behavioral only or Behavioral and Cognitive) and email invitations are automatically sent to the candidates from the PI system. Upon completion of the assessment(s), results are stored in Bullhorn assessment, files, and custom fields.
Conveniently order PI assessment invitations for eligible candidates using menu options within Bullhorn.
Select which assessments and which PI Job at the time of ordering.
Upon completion of the assessment or detection of previously completed assessment data, basic assessment status info is stored in standard assessment fields.
Other results are stored in custom fields in the Bullhorn Candidate data. This includes Behavioral Report PDF file, Interview Guide PDF, Job Match Scores, and a link to the PI Person Overview page.
The integration will even detect if a candidate has already completed the PI assessment for your company and will return the candidate’s previously completed PI assessment results.
If using PI Job Targets, the Score returned for each Behavioral or Cognitive assessment result can be the Match Score (1 to 10) reflecting the degree of similarity between the candidate’s results and the target for the job.
- Behavioral
- Cognitive
- Behavioral Report PDF
- Cognitive Report PDF
- Interview Guide PDF
- Job Match Scores
- Link to PI Person Page
- Order assessments for each candidate from Bullhorn Candidate view using a menu item
- Select Behavioral or both Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments
- Choose PI Job to associate with the candidate's assessment order
- Utilize existing assessment results to avoid making the candidate repeatedly complete the assessment
- Store assessment status information in Bullhorn Assessment data
- Store assessment reports as Files in Bullhorn including Behavioral Report PDF file, Interview Guide PDF, and Cognitive Report PDF
- Store Job Match Scores as custom fields in Bullhorn. If using PI Job Targets, the Score returned for each Behavioral or Cognitive assessment result can be the Match Score (1 to 10) reflecting the degree of similarity between the candidate’s results and the target for the job.
- One-time Joynd Setup Fee
- Annual Joynd Subscription Fee
- Setup and annual Joynd Fees are calculated based on PI subscription size
- A one-time development fee may be required if using Job Targets and Match Scores
- Bullhorn may charge one-time activation and/or annual maintenance fees.
Languages Supported
- Any
- English
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese