
Diagnose: Reminder email for employees

Directions: Preview the survey reminder email your employees will receive from The Predictive Index. Subject Line: Survey reminder: Don’t forget to share your feedback [COMPANY NAME]’s survey is still open, and we haven’t received your feedback! A reminder that the survey closes on [DAY, DATE, TIME]. Your feedback will help us directly improve your experience while building…

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Diagnose: Intro email for managers

Directions: This template is designed to help you introduce the PI Employee Experience Survey to your management team before inviting employees to take the survey. Copy and paste the language below, and use it as a starting point for your email. Feel free to personalize the language to your liking. Ready to send out an…

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Diagnose: Intro email for employees

Directions: This template is designed to help you introduce the PI Employee Experience Survey (XP) to your organization. Copy and paste the language below, and use it as a starting point for your email. Feel free to personalize the language to your liking. We recommend you send this email only after you’ve kicked off the…

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The science behind Diagnose Survey customization

PI Diagnose empowers leaders to send engagement surveys and gather candid feedback to improve the employee experience. To enhance the value of these surveys, Diagnose now allows you to customize your surveys before sharing them with your team or organization. How Survey customization works When you log in to PI Diagnose, you’ll land on the…

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PI Diagnose: The four drivers of engagement, and how to measure them

Engagement is something any great organization strives for. When people are engaged by their work, team, and organization, they tend to give their 100% each day. Yet engagement can be a difficult concept to grasp. How do you measure it, let alone improve it?  In this article, you’ll learn the definition of engagement, the four…

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PI Diagnose: How questions and categories were developed

PI Diagnose empowers users to collect detailed, actionable feedback about the employee experience. As with any engagement platform worth its salt, Diagnose was built on science and diligent research. In this article, you’ll learn more about the science behind PI Diagnose and the studies that helped shape the software. The power of pulse surveys While…

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PI Diagnose: How questions and categories were developed

PI Diagnose empowers users to collect detailed, actionable feedback about the employee experience. As with any engagement platform worth its salt, Diagnose was built on science and diligent research. In this article, you’ll learn more about the science behind PI Diagnose and the studies that helped shape the software. Developing Diagnose’s questions The centerpiece of…

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PI Diagnose: Taking action on engagement

Soliciting employee feedback is a critical part of building a best-in-class company culture. When your people feel safe to share candid, timely, and specific feedback, it brings you one step closer to creating meaningful change in your organization. But feedback alone won’t spark that change—action must follow. Unfortunately, many leaders struggle to translate feedback into…

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PI Diagnose: The four drivers of engagement, and how to measure them

Engagement is something any great organization strives for. When people are engaged by their work, team, and organization, they tend to give their 100% each day. Yet engagement can be a difficult concept to grasp. How do you measure it, let alone improve it?  In this article, you’ll learn the definition of engagement, the four…

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PI Diagnose: The importance of user anonymity and data confidentiality

PI Diagnose is designed to ensure your voice is being heard within your organization, so you can enjoy a better employee experience.  When you share candid feedback with your manager, you give them the ability to act on that data and create the change you seek. This is only possible when you’re open and honest—and…

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Introduction [Putting Work on Trial]

The word “work” can represent many things, depending on who you ask. But as we manage remote roles, a pandemic, and economic challenges, people are starting to challenge the idea that work should just be about surviving. We traveled across the states to talk to experts on workplace topics as well as a range of…

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What is a high-performance culture?

Organizational culture represents your business’s core values, rewarded behaviors, and, ultimately, performance drivers. Culture is a result of deliberate, intentional action, so you’ll need to make sure you take calculated measures to build your culture in a way that benefits your organization. But what does it mean to have a culture that promotes high performance?…

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What performance is and how to measure it

Before you can celebrate high performers or panic if you have low ones, you’ll first have to understand what performance means to you and your organization. One pitfall many companies encounter is that they don’t have a proper performance scale. Not every employee in your company can be a top performer, and that’s okay. An…

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Understanding and communicating results

Analyzing objective people data uncovers issues that aren’t obvious, which allows you to quickly and effectively take action. That’s why understanding this data is so vital. But with so much data at once, where do you start? Now that you have the results, break them down by four factors: Magnitude, Relevance, Breadth, and Repetition. Take the…

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