
Editing a team

PI Design lets you invite or remove users on a team you have created or have access to edit.

How to invite users to a team

  1. Log in to the PI software.
  2. Select Design from the top navigation bar.
  3. Select a team from the Design home screen.
  4. Within the panel titled “Team members,” select “Edit team.”
  5. Under “Send invitations,” enter the email address of the people you’d like to invite to the team.

An existing user(s) will immediately be plotted on the Team Map based on their PI Behavioral Assessment results. 

Anyone who doesn’t have a PI account will be plotted once they complete the assessment. (Their email invitation will walk them through this process.)

How to remove a user from a team

  1. Follow steps 1 through 4 from the section above.
  2. Under “Team Members,” select Remove next to the name/email address of the user you’d like to remove.


Why can’t I remove people from my team?
Only the original creator of the team, a user with edit access to the team, or an Admin can remove another person.

Additional support

Do you still need support? Contact us here.

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