January 2025
Hire, Perform, Platform
See Behavioral Patterns at a glance in Hire: When viewing candidates in Hire, users will now see a new “Pattern” column that shows a candidate’s Behavioral Pattern, provided they’ve completed the PI Behavioral Assessment. If the candidate is tied to a job with an active Behavioral Target, the user will also see that target in the “Pattern” column.
New permission options for “Limited” access: We updated Limited access to allow for greater personalization. When modifying access levels, clients will see a new column titled “Additional permissions.” Clients can use these permissions to fine-tune a Limited user’s permissions to their liking. (By default, these permissions will be disabled and must be enabled by an Admin.)
Get suggested topics in Perform: If two employees have taken the PI Behavioral Assessment, they will now see a list of “Suggested topics” at the top of their 1:1 Perform workspace. They can use these topics to kickstart productive conversations based on each person’s behavioral data. (This feature requires an active Inspire subscription. However, employees do not need software access to Inspire to see these topics in Perform.)
Explore other jobs for an employee: If your organization is subscribed to Hire and Inspire, you will now see a page in Inspire titled “Explore other jobs,” located on an employee’s Development tab. Use this page to view a list of jobs in Hire for which this employee is a potential behavioral fit.