
Tailoring your management strategy

Last but not least, you know when you buy something that says one size fits all, and it never fits just right? That can also be applied to management styles. Not every employee can be managed the same way. Instead, we should design a management strategy for each employee. Consider strategies around how they interact…

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Creating team dynamics with remote teams

Remote teams may not get as much time to spend together to really understand each other’s similarities and differences and learn the best way of working together as a team. Running a Team Discovery report will allow you to visualize the critical differences in styles among your team, influence positive communication, and avoid toxicity. Plot…

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Maintaining relationships with direct reports

Understanding the needs of individuals on your team and how to give them what they need to be successful in a remote work environment is essential. Different team members will need to be managed in very different ways to be at their most effective. For a high-level overview of the needs of each team member,…

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